Recruiting in the Digital Age: A Social Media Masterclass

by | Jun 5, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes

On 5th June 2024, I delivered a Masterclass at the Global HR Summit in Istanbul. We explored the benefits of using social media for recruitment plus key features of social media platforms that support talent acquisition, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and TikTok.

You can view the slides, here.


I also delivered a keynote session focused on using social media to build your employer brand. The slides are available, here:



Recruiting via social media is more than simply posting a ‘we’re hiring’ announcement’. Building your employee brand, establishing your online presence and communicating your values all take time. The aim is to bring your company and what you offer to potential candidates’ attention so that when you have a vacancy, they already know who you are, what you do, and what you stand for. Encouraging employee advocacy will be a huge support to the recruitment process.



Key benefits of using social media for recruitment include:

  • Increased reach: social media enables you to reach a much wider field of potential candidates, including candidates who might be underrepresented in your business.
  • Increased engagement: the more informal approach of social media encourages candidates, both active and passive, to engage with recruiters, ask questions about the role and get a feel for what your company might offer them.
  • Employer brand: social media can showcase what you offer candidates, not in terms of salary, benefits and packages, but workplace culture, values, and ethics.
  • Lower costs: recruiting using social media typically costs less than traditional hiring routes, and takes less time.

Find out more in my FREE guide to social media recruitment: 

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