Taking the guesswork out of social media 

Social Media Marketing Books

Luan Wise


Welcome to my growing collection of books, designed to help you navigate the world of social media marketing.

Relax! It’s Only Social Media – A straightforward guide for business professionals to harness social networking effectively, published in 2016.

Planning for Success – A practical manual for setting and achieving social media goals, ideal for early career marketers. Published in October 2023.

Relax! represents a collection of my knowledge from 2016. Some of it is outdated (for example mentions of Google+), however most of it is still valid. Planning for Success is an update – but it became so much more than a second version of Relax!, hence the new title. It embodies many hours of learning through working with clients, conducting training courses, and immersing myself in reading and observation. It includes insights from research conducted in collaboration with Professor Laura Chamberlain, Warwick Business School. Both of these books have been self-published, and both have been awarded a National Indie Excellence Award.

Social Media for Work – Part of the Bloomsbury Essentials series, offering guidance on maintaining professional online etiquette, published in December 2023.

Smart Social Media – Scheduled for release in September 2024 (by Bloomsbury), this book focuses on growing your business through strategic social media marketing.

The Future of Charity Marketing – Scheduled for release in November 2024 (by Routledge), this book is a collection of works by academics and practitioners. Edited by Sarah-Louise Mitchell and Fran Hyde. I authored Chapter 5 – Navigating uncertainty: social media marketing in an ever-changing landscape.

I am currently working on a new manuscript with Dr Tom Bowden-Green showcasing how psychological theories are applied through modern marketing techniques. Scheduled for release, end of 2025 (by Routledge)

You can find out more about each book via the links below.

Social Media Marketing Books

From Luan Wise

Relax! It’s Only Social Media

A no-nonsense guide to social networking for you and your business

If you’re a marketer or a business owner, director, manager with responsibility for marketing, this book is for you. If you’re involved in customer service, recruitment or sales you will also find this helpful to your day-to-day role. You’ll probably be using social media already, but know you could be using it better.

Available now! This book was published in 2016. It won a National Indie Excellence Award.

Planning for Success

A practical guide to setting and achieving your social media marketing goals

Planning for Success is for early career marketers, digital natives entering the workforce, and digital immigrants who are navigating their way through the ever-changing world of social media.

Available now! This book was published in 2023. It won a National Indie Excellence Award.

LinkedIn Learning

Social Media for Work

How to maintain professional etiquette online

The titles in the Business Essentials series are easy to read, pocket-sized guides that can be dipped into for advice, tips and guidance on a variety of professional topics – perfect for reading in a lunch break or on a commute.

Available now!

Smart Social Media

How to grow your business with social media marketing

This book will be published by Bloomsbury Business on 12 September 2024.

The Future of Charity Marketing

Edited by Sarah-Louise Mitchell and Fran Hyde.

Chapter 5, by Luan Wise
Navigating uncertainty: social media marketing in an ever-changing landscape

Publication date: 11th November 2024


LinkedIn Learning

* Signed by Routledge *

I’m currently working on a new title with Dr Tom Bowden-Green.

The book aims to demonstrate how to apply psychology theories through modern marketing techniques – a comprehensive overview for both students and marketing practitioners. 

Publication: Late 2025

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