Generative AI Across Social Media Platforms in 2024

by | Jun 17, 2024

Reading Time: 9 minutes

During our monthly social media update sessions we regularly share changes that involve AI. We decided to take a deeper dive into this topic as a separate event (hosted on 18th June 2024).

Here’s a recording of the session where Andy Lambert and I shared some thoughts and examples of using Gen AI tools for social media content creation, listening, data analysis and more:

During the session, I mentioned a summary of how Meta, LinkedIn, X (Twitter) and Tiktok are providing Generative AI features in 2024… so here it is:

AI on Meta: Facebook & Instagram

Meta AI Chatbot

Meta has launched an AI chatbot, Meta AI, which is now integrated across several of its key platforms: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger. 

This advanced assistant, powered by the Llama 3 large language model, offers a wide range of functionalities to enhance user experience across these social media apps.

  • Real-Time Information and Assistance: Meta AI can provide real-time information and help with tasks directly within chats. For example, it can recommend restaurants, plan events, and answer academic questions.
  • Image and Animation Creation: The chatbot includes features like Restyle and Backdrop, which allow users to modify images by applying different styles or changing backgrounds based on textual descriptions. It also offers an Imagine feature, which generates images in real-time as users type.
  • Enhanced Interaction: Meta AI interacts like a person, making it more engaging and useful for various tasks. It partners with Bing for real-time data.
  • Diverse AI Characters: In addition to the primary Meta AI, there are 28 other AI characters with unique personalities and backstories. These characters make interactions more enjoyable, and well-known celebrities and influencers, such as Snoop Dogg and Naomi Osaka, play them.

Source: Social Media Today

AI-Generated Post Prompts and Comments

Meta AI can suggest post comments and community chat topics, making it easier for users to engage with content and participate in conversations.

Reels Integration

Meta AI now supports the integration of Reels in chat interactions, allowing users to discover and share video content more seamlessly. This feature enhances the multimedia experience within group chats and helps users find inspiration through video content.

AI-Powered Advertising Tools

Meta has unveiled a series of new AI-powered advertising tools, designed to enhance the effectiveness and creativity of ad campaigns across its platforms.

  • Enhanced Creator Recommendations: Helps brands find suitable creators by analysing audience similarity and topic relevance.
  • Multi-Destination Product Ads for Reels: Allows advertisers to create ads that can direct viewers to multiple destinations. It utilises the product catalogue to display relevant items to users, enhancing engagement and potentially driving higher conversion rates by offering more personalised shopping experiences.
  • AI-Powered Content Performance Prediction: Predicts which organic content will perform best in paid campaigns.
  • Image Expansion for Reels: This tool helps marketers adapt their creative assets to different ad formats, ensuring that visuals are optimised for various placements within the Reels environment.

Source: Social Media Today

Privacy and Responsibility

Privacy is a top priority for Meta as it develops its generative AI features. The company says that it is committed to building these features responsibly, with a focus on ensuring user data is protected. 

  • Model Training and User Privacy: Ensures user data protection and transparency.
  • Data Sources and Usage: Uses various data sources while excluding private information.
  • User Control: Provides tools for users to manage their data and AI interactions

To see the full outline of the steps Meta has taken to ensure privacy and transparency, click here.

Meta also says that they are dedicated to responsible AI practices, ensuring the safe performance of their products through rigorous testing. To see the full outline of the steps taken to ensure generative AI features are built responsibly, click here.

Content Ranking

Meta’s AI systems work to predict the potential value of content to users, aiming to present the most relevant posts promptly. A combination of behaviour-based and feedback-based predictions are utilised, with the integration of wide-ranging signals to refine content recommendations. And, to promote transparency, Meta has introduced “system cards,” offering insights into AI operations and user customisation options across various content sections.

Meta emphasises the power users have in shaping their platform experience, encouraging the utilisation of available tools to tailor content visibility. Centralised locations for customisation controls have been established on both Facebook and Instagram. Features for content preference indications are being tested, alongside existing options to adjust content visibility and ranking.

Source: Meta Newsroom

Community Forum

Meta is strategically utilising generative AI to foster inclusivity and diversity in decision-making through the establishment of Community Forums. By integrating deliberative polling methodologies, these forums present a platform for users to engage with complex issues, such as the development and application of generative AI technologies. Participants are provided with extensive educational resources, enabling them to make informed contributions during discussions.

This initiative aims to gather a wide range of perspectives, ensuring that the values embedded in AI systems reflect the diversity of the global community.

By opening up the development process and inviting diverse viewpoints, Meta aims to lay the groundwork for responsible and ethical AI systems.

Source: Meta Newsroom

AI in Europe

Meta’s move to introduce an AI off-switch in Europe, aligning with the Digital Services Act (DSA), is essential for compliance with the EU’s revamped digital regulations, ensuring users have the autonomy to switch off AI-driven personalisation in content feeds on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. The DSA’s main objective is to give users the option to opt for a non-algorithmic feed, ultimately promoting user autonomy and choice.

Source: TechCrunch

Instagram Chatbot

Instagram has an AI chatbot feature in DMs. This new feature can be likened to Snapchat’s My AI tool, bringing AI capabilities directly into direct messaging. Users can interact with the AI tool, asking questions or seeking advice on crafting more impactful messages.

The process is initiated by typing @ai in the chat field, redirecting users to the AI chatbot. 

While the functional impact of the Instagram AI chatbot may not be groundbreaking, its introduction is a strategic move to acclimate users to AI interactions. This is a step towards more innovative and potentially revolutionary applications of generative AI in the future, such as the creation of VR worlds. 

Source: Social Media Today


AI on LinkedIn

Responsible AI Principles

AI has been a longstanding component of LinkedIn’s toolkit, playing a crucial role in enhancing professional experiences for its members by fostering connections, boosting productivity, and aiding in career success. 

Drawing inspiration and alignment from Microsoft’s leadership in Responsible AI, LinkedIn announced that they are adhering to a set of 5 Responsible AI Principles to guide its endeavours:

  1. Advance Economic Opportunity- AI serves as a tool to amplify the success and productivity of LinkedIn members, helping them realise their professional aspirations.
  2. Uphold Trust- LinkedIn proactively mitigates potential risks associated with AI.
  3. Promote Fairness and Inclusion- LinkedIn ensures that AI benefits are distributed equitably among all its members, actively working to prevent and rectify unfair biases.
  4. Provide Transparency- LinkedIn strives to demystify AI, offering clear and simple explanations to illuminate how the technology affects users.
  5. Embrace Accountability- LinkedIn upholds robust AI governance practices, encompassing thorough assessments of potential harms, fitness for purpose, human oversight, and accountability. 

Source: LinkedIn Blog

AI Generated Content 

LinkedIn has started labelling AI-generated content to improve transparency and help users identify the origins of digital media. This initiative is part of LinkedIn’s adoption of the C2PA (Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity) standard. 

LinkedIn AI labels

Source: Social Media Today

The labels include a small C2PA tag on AI-generated images, allowing users to trace the source and history of the content. This tag remains even after the content is downloaded, ensuring persistent traceability.

Company Pages

LinkedIn has updated its Premium Company Pages to allow admins to see a list of recent visitors. This feature is part of broader AI-powered updates, including profile writing assistants and personalised content recommendations, aimed at helping users and businesses stand out. 

Source: Tech Crunch

LinkedIn Premium Accounts

For premium account users, LinkedIn has added AI-powered features, including prompts to help you write your profile and to create content. Watch this video for a summary of the AI-powered LinkedIn Premium account experience:

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Filter with AI

LinkedIn is making significant strides in integrating generative AI into its platform, particularly for those utilising Sales Navigator. “Filter with AI” table marks a substantial leap forward. It presents users with a means to refine their searches through prompts and conversational queries. 

This makes it simpler to pinpoint precise leads and significantly broadens the scope of research.

Source: Social Media Today 

Account IQ

The “Account IQ” feature, a generative AI tool crafted to provide succinct summaries of information regarding potential contacts. This feature aggregates key details such as recent news, financial data, and information on key team members, all collated and presented by LinkedIn’s advanced AI system. 

Source: Social Media Today

Account Hub

LinkedIn has introduced an account prioritisation feature that intelligently pinpoints vital contacts for sales pitches, utilising a multitude of signals. This tool aims to simplify the complexity of managing daily changes such as new hires or a customer leaving your account. By uploading a client list or book of business, users can use the Account Hub to prioritise based on aspects like growth potential, buyer intent, or recent activities like new hires. 

Source: Social Media Today

LinkedIn Personas

The “Personas” feature is another significant addition. It enables marketers to craft templates for their ideal lead candidates. Sales Navigator then uses to surface the right contacts based on specified parameters like function, seniority, and geography.

Source: Social Media Today

LinkedIn Recruitment

On the Recruiter side, the “Likelihood of Interest” feature has been introduced. This will highlight members more inclined to engage and respond to outreach efforts, drawing on a variety of activity-based signals. This AI-driven functionality aggregates real-time interest signals, identifying candidates who are either highly or moderately likely to be interested in a job.

Source: Social Media Today

The new Recruiter interface is designed to be intuitive. It employs natural language commands that allow users to easily initiate searches, such as “Find me a senior growth marketing leader.” A ChatGPT-like prompt window facilitates deeper inquiries into specific elements, providing personalised nudges based on unique member insights. This could range from suggestions to expand the search location, to adding in-demand skills, or advising on the most suitable work arrangement for a particular role.

LinkedIn is also introducing CRM Connect, aiming to integrate LinkedIn Recruiter and CRM systems for a more unified experience. This feature is currently in trial with a select group of partner businesses.

Source: Social Media Today

LinkedIn has also introduced AI-powered features including AI-assisted tools for project building, enhanced recruitment process tracking, and AI recommendations for job titles and skills. These updates aim to streamline the hiring process, making it easier to find qualified candidates and manage recruitment efficiently.

LinkedIn Advertising: Predictive Audiences

LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager has incorporated predictive audiences into its targeting tools, powered by the platform’s advanced predictive AI. This enables marketers to identify and connect with high-intent audiences efficiently at scale. 

Predictive audiences leverage their user base and engagement levels to enhance your first-party data, allowing for scaled targeting through predictive AI modelling. This ensures that your campaigns are more likely to connect with individuals who are ready to take action. 

Source: LinkedIn Blog

AI Prompts for Ad Creation

The new AI feature in Campaign Manager is designed to aid users in crafting more effective LinkedIn advertisements. The tool provides multiple variations of ad copy and headlines. It does this by utilising data from the company page, campaign insights, and the power of AI.

Source: Social Media Today

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn is incorporating generative AI into LinkedIn Learning. A new AI-powered chatbot experience will offer real-time advice and tailored content recommendations. These will be personalised based on job title, career goals, and followed skills. This initiative aims to provide users with a virtual career coach, accessible at any time.

LinkedIn is launching the first phase of its new AI chatbot for LinkedIn Learning, starting with leadership and management skills. The chatbot will engage users in interactive dialogues. It will pose clarifying questions to better understand their specific situations before providing advice and examples. LinkedIn plans to expand and further tailor this chatbot experience, potentially including responses from specific industry experts.

Source: Social Media Today


AI on X (formerly Twitter)

AI-Generated Ad Audiences

X, formerly known as Twitter, has announced the introduction of AI-generated ad audiences. 

This new feature leverages artificial intelligence to help advertisers create more targeted ad campaigns by analysing user data and behaviour to form optimal audience segments. 

The goal is to enhance ad performance and efficiency by allowing marketers to reach the most relevant users with their promotional content. This AI-driven approach aims to maximise engagement and conversion rates, making advertising on the platform more effective.

Source: Social Media Today

Stories Summarised by Grok AI

X has launched a new feature called “Stories on X,” which delivers news summaries created by Grok AI. Grok AI, developed by Elon Musk’s xAI, is a chatbot that provides detailed, sometimes unconventional responses, leveraging real-time information from X, and is designed to handle both serious and playful interactions with a touch of humour.

This tool provides users with concise and digestible news snippets, making it easier to stay informed about current events. The AI-powered summaries are designed to offer quick insights into the most important news stories, allowing users to grasp the essentials without needing to read lengthy articles. 

Source: Tech Crunch


AI on TikTok

TikTok Labels AI-Generated Content

TikTok has started labelling content created by AI to have more transparency. They want to help users identify when they are interacting with AI-generated material. 

In addition to labelling its own AI-generated content, TikTok will now automatically label AI-generated content that originates from other platforms. 

This measure provides users with a clear indication of when AI has created or altered content, regardless of its source.

Source: Social Media Today and Tech Crunch

AI Ad Script Generator

TikTok has introduced the ‘Script Generator’, an AI-powered tool located within its Creative Center. Users input details about their industry, product, and related keywords. Then, they choose their desired video length. The tool generates a selection of sample scripts complete with audio and visual cues.

Source: Social Media Today


AI on YouTube

AI-Powered Skip Ahead Feature

YouTube has launched a new AI-powered “Skip Ahead” feature.

This feature leverages machine learning algorithms to analyse viewer behaviour and identify key moments in videos. This improvement enhances the viewing experience by allowing users to jump to the most relevant parts of a video.

Initially available to YouTube Premium subscribers, the “Skip Ahead” button appears after users double-tap to fast forward. Offering a way to bypass less relevant sections and get to the content that viewers are most interested in.

Source: Social Media Today


Embracing AI Tools as a Social Media Manager

The integration of AI tools across social media platforms is revolutionising digital engagement. As a social media manager, taking advantage of these tools is important for many reasons:

  • Improving Content and Engagement: AI-powered features like Meta’s generative AI and LinkedIn’s content suggestions enable the creation of personalised, engaging content. These tools automate routine tasks.
  • Optimising Ad Campaigns: AI tools such as Meta’s creator recommendations and LinkedIn’s predictive audiences enhance ad targeting and performance. By analysing user data, these tools help create more effective ad campaigns, improving ROI and audience reach.
  • Improving User Experience: Tools like YouTube’s AI-powered Skip Ahead and TikTok’s AI labels for content improve user interactions by making content consumption more efficient and transparent. 

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