Freelance, contract, permanent, full-time and part-time job vacancies

Find Your Next Role

Luan Wise

Looking for a new role involving social media?

Take a look at Linkedin Jobs, Guardian Jobs and Sam’s Social Media Club for current vacancies including freelance, contract, permanent, full-time and part-time roles.

Links will take you to the 3rd party platforms. All job descriptions are provided by the advertiser, and applications should be made directly using the link provided.

LinkedIn Learning

Linkedin Jobs

LinkedIn is more than just a networking platform—it’s a powerful tool for job hunting.

Browse Linkedin for Social Media jobs

Guardian Jobs

Guardian Jobs is a trusted platform for finding roles across various sectors, especially in education, charity, public sector, media, and the arts.

Browse Guardian Jobs for Social Media jobs

Sam's Social Media Club

A go-to resource for social media professionals, offering the latest job listings and tips to help you grow your career in digital marketing.

Browse Sam’s Social Media Club for Social Media jobs

LinkedIn Learning

Moxie & Mettle

Moxie & Mettle has 30 years experience in marketing, PR, social media, digital and creative recruitment.

Speak to Moxie & Mettle about your next role

Adlib Recruitment

Adlib is an employee-owned Recruitment Agency operating within the Technology, Agile Product, Data, Engineering, Science, Sustainability, eCommerce, Marketing, Design sectors.

Speak to Adlib about your career

Direct Recruitment

Direct Recruitment are experts in advertising, digital, data and direct marketing recruitment

Get in touch with Direct Recruitment

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